We try out a pupusa recipe from Views On The Road, which only needs one easy ingredient substitution (vegan cheese) to be allergy-friendly.
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Allergy-friendly Bread (Gluten-free, Vegan)
There are many wheat-free bread options on the market these days, but many of them compensate by adding dairy or eggs. So I studied a few different recipes; some gluten-free, others vegan. They often felt pretty complicated, as opposed to the beautiful simplicity of classic home-made white bread. I wanted to make it simpler, so I tried to imitate my favorite white bread recipe as much as possible. Here’s what I came up with.
Roasted Chicken with Potatoes
You can prepare this simple-yet-elegant chicken dish the night before, when no children are around to chuck stuffed animals at you, or crab crawl in your path, or shout odd phrases like “Banana juice!” at you. So peaceful, so quiet. Just you and the chicken in the kitchen.
Marshmallows, Rice Krispie Treats, & French Fries
Welcome to Yes/No/Maybe, where we categorize 3 food items by how they fit into our sons’ allergy profile. (Read our allergy statement for more info — it’s not all of the top 8, or a 100% vegan diet, but it’s a little of both with a side of gluten-free.) Generally we’ll focus on the ones that caught us by surprise, or the ones we’ve had to explain to people a lot.
Introducing a New Feature: “Yes/No/Maybe”
Life with allergies can be really tricky to navigate. Even once you’ve determined what allergens to avoid, you still have to figure out all the foods that contain them — sometimes the hard way. And even after you’ve learned all that, you’re still often put into situations where you have to depend on other people […]
Allergy-friendly Waffles
After perfecting our recipe for allergy-friendly cornmeal pancakes, it only seemed logical to move on to waffles. Aside from the shape and cooking method, they’re largely made up of the same stuff. But there are a few differences. Waffle batter is usually a little runnier, and has more oil incorporated. But what about the egg whites?
Brown Bean Soup
Brown bean soup was my favorite bean soup growing up, and to this day it’s still comforting to me. It’s an easy soup to make well. For the adventurous cook, these beans are a blank canvas. You can do so much with them.
Gluten-Free Flour Blends: What are they, and which ones work best?
There are a lot of reasons to get into gluten-free baking right now. Maybe you’ve recently discovered that you have a wheat allergy or gluten intolerance, or maybe you know someone who has. Or maybe you’re just so desperate to find flour during the COVID-19 pandemic that you’ll try anything.
Cuban Picadillo
We are seriously living in strange times. I recently had to venture out of the house to make a much needed trip to the grocery store. Barren shelves. Face masks. Vinyl gloves. Going to the grocery store without my 3 kids in tow used to feel like such a luxurious experience. Now, I’m trying to get in and out as quickly as possible, trying not to touch anyone or anything other than the few items the store managed to restock since people lost their minds and snatched up all the toilet paper. But I was able to find ground beef, so looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys!
Allergy-Friendly Cornmeal Pancakes
My inspiration for the following recipe came from seeing a bag of Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 Gluten Free Baking Flour in the grocery store. I’d long been trying to make pancakes that don’t trigger any of my son’s allergies, but prior attempts using non-wheat flour had resulted in frustration. What I eventually realized was that most non-wheat flours can’t simply be substituted into a recipe; you kind of have to re-engineer the recipe around it.
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