As long as you don’t use an egg wash, it’s pretty easy to keep bagels Vegan. But Gluten-free bagels are much tougher — often literally. And when you can’t use milk or eggs to help out a little, it’s even more of a challenge. But I’ve had quite a bit of success doing just that.
Tag: New York
Pizza, Part 2: Making it Allergy-Friendly (Gluten Free, Vegan)
Now that we’ve written obsessively about what makes New York-style pizza great, we’ll break basically all of those rules to make the best allergy-friendly pizza we can.
Pizza: Demystifying the New York Legend (Part 1)
This article about pizza is going to be split into 2 parts. The first part is a departure from what this site usually covers: I’m going to talk about traditional, very allergy-unfriendly New York pizza, with plenty of gluten and cheese. But I knew I had to get that right before making the allergy-friendly version.