
Allergy Mom & son with #AllergyAlly badge
Informational, Life

It’s Food Allergy Awareness Week!

May 14-20, 2023 is Food Allergy Awareness Week. We’re proud to be an #AllergyAlly and we hope you’ll join us! We’re sharing our allergy story (as usual) and we hope you’ll also check out some of the links provided by FARE on their social media pages. For more information, visit

Yes/No/Maybe: Marshmallows, Rice Krispies, French Fries
Informational, Yes / No / Maybe

Marshmallows, Rice Krispie Treats, & French Fries

Welcome to Yes/No/Maybe, where we categorize 3 food items by how they fit into our sons’ allergy profile. (Read our allergy statement for more info — it’s not all of the top 8, or a 100% vegan diet, but it’s a little of both with a side of gluten-free.) Generally we’ll focus on the ones that caught us by surprise, or the ones we’ve had to explain to people a lot.


Introducing a New Feature: “Yes/No/Maybe”

Life with allergies can be really tricky to navigate. Even once you’ve determined what allergens to avoid, you still have to figure out all the foods that contain them — sometimes the hard way. And even after you’ve learned all that, you’re still often put into situations where you have to depend on other people […]

Cubanisms, Informational

So, what exactly is Sofrito?

Sofrito is all about beginnings. As you get accustomed to Cuban cooking, the sofrito is the expected spice base in what you’re making. When I ask my mother how to cook such and such food, she usually says something like, “First, you make your sofrito,” or “Once the meat is browned, you add your sofrito.” The sofrito is pretty consistently present in the typical Cuban dish.